
Easy Virtue

Stills from the movie "Easy Virtue"
I rented this on a limb this weekend without knowing anything about it. I'm so glad I did! It's a beautiful movie with a great cast and an amazingly complex story-line. I can safely say that this is now on my list of favorite movies! I've already watched it about 3 times. I'm bad at explaining things so just take my word and watch it for yourself, at least for the beauty of it. If you've seen it already I would love to hear your thoughts!!
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Leslie Lessard said...

I will have to check it out. Never heard of it, but if you say it's good it must be. We seem to have similar taste in movies, I've noticed.

Anonymous said...
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Lipstick Chick said...

I've been wanting to see this movie! Thanks so much for posting these stunning stills!

Frock Around the Clock said...

Oh my god. This film is AMAZING!! I watched this on the way to and on the way back from New York. I LOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDDD ITTTT. Jessica Biel should dress like that all the time. I'm not sure who I fancy more - her husband or her. Ahh if only we lived closer we could get together and watch this and 10 Things I Hate about you over and over! :) x

Dylana Suarez said...

OMG! I downloaded this movie online a few months ago (I know, I am bad) because I love love love Ben Barnes, the love interest. I nearly met him when he came for a meet and greet at my college campus, but I sadly didn't. Isn't he handsome. The movie was really fun. Loved it a lot. Glad that you did, too! The soundtrack is really great, too. Ben and Jessica Biel both have really beautiful voices.