

I could wear this outfit everyday. You know, there are just some things you simply love and this outfit is one of those things for me. The dress is like a go-to dress; whenever I truly have nothing else to wear I know this dress will solve my problem. And the cardigan compliments it nicely I think. Somehow it reminds me of a ballerina. Oh! Speaking of ballerinas Mom is going to take me to the fabric store and I am hoping to buy material to make into some sort of tutu! I'm excited!
dress- thrifted, cardigan- UO, leggings- AA, shoes, bag- second-hand


Delmy said...

Its very well put. You look good.

Anonymous said...

I can imagine that cardigan with many of my grungier outifts. Sometimes balancing out black can be tricky but that looks perfect. Check out this link to see someone who has bleached pink/red colour jenas :
In honest truth, I have no idea if my jeans are ornage red or pink, it dpends on the light!

246478CF said...

i love the dress. I envy people who have amazing vintage dresses

Frock Around the Clock said...

Ahhh I love reliable outfits! And this is a good one! I went to that fashion show thing tonight - the one I was going to copy your DIY dress from the other day for but I didn't have any time to sort it out so I just had to wear a boring old dress and didn't feel very fashionable at all! Oh well.. I will definately try it at some point in the future though! :) x

Ellie said...

I've been wanting a tutu for a very long time! Good luck finding the right material. Loving the bold pattern on your dress.